Enhancing Ansible Playbooks with Tags

Implement a structured tagging system in Ansible playbooks to increase task flexibility, enhance maintainability, and improve reusability, thus optimizing both development and operational efficiency.


Managing large Ansible playbooks can be cumbersome and time-consuming, especially when executing the entire playbook for development or regular operations. This inefficiency is particularly noticeable during development, where rapid testing of specific playbook parts is necessary, or in production, where operations may demand varying execution frequencies.


Enhance the flexibility and manageability of your playbooks by implementing a structured and meaningful tagging scheme for Ansible roles and tasks. By adopting a well-defined tagging approach, you can efficiently handle common setup and configuration stages pertinent to deployment processes.

Tagging Scheme

Consider adopting the following tagging strategy for task execution timing and operational levels:

Tag CategoryTagDescription
always or neveralwaysFor tasks that must consistently execute, crucial for security, compliance, or serving as prerequisites (e.g., decrypting vault items or fundamental initial steps).
neverFor tasks that should not run unless explicitly specified with --tags never.
install or configinstallTasks performed infrequently, primarily during initial system setup or application installation.
configTasks that frequently modify resources for updates or optimizations.
system or applicationsystemTasks targeting the operating system or system-level configurations.
applicationTasks affecting application-level configurations, directly impacting applications on the system.
Configuration Approachconfig_apiTasks configured via the product’s API.
Role IdentificationRole NameTasks, except always or never tasks1, in a role are tagged with the role name, such as linux for tasks in the c2platform.core.linux role.

Additional specific module tags or customized tags can be included as per unique requirements.

The advantages of a clear tagging scheme include:

  • Flexibility: Seamlessly run specific segments of deployment or maintenance processes.
  • Maintainability: Simplify the understanding and upkeep of playbooks with clear tags.
  • Reusability: Adapt roles for various operational requirements without modifying the role itself.

Example and Implementation

  1. In the tasks/main.yml file of the c2platform.core.secrets  role, note that tasks are tagged with the special Ansible tag always. This ensures that essential secrets, such as passwords in Ansible Vault , are always available. Another role using the always tag is the Ansible Certificates / CA role c2platform.core.cacerts2  , where it ensures the execution of “facts” tasks (e.g., in tasks/certs.yml).

  2. Review the files tasks/main.yml and tasks/main_base.yml of the Ansible Windows role c2platform.wincore.win  . In main.yml, all tasks are tagged with install, system, and win.

    - name: Include Windows system installation tasks (install, system, win)
      ansible.builtin.import_tasks: main_base.yml
      tags: [install, system, win]
  3. In the Ansible FME Flow role c2platform.gis.fme_flow  in the file tasks/main.yml, the following code is found:

    - name: Include role win
        name: c2platform.wincore.win
        tasks_from: main_base
        win_resources: "{{ fme_flow_win_resources }}"
        win_resources_types: "{{ fme_flow_win_resources_types }}"
        win_resource_groups_disabled: "{{ fme_flow_win_resource_groups_disabled }}"
      tags: [config, application, fme_flow]

    The code incorporates the Windows role into the FME Flow role and tags all tasks with config, application, and fme_flow. Note the use of import_role. Using include_role instead of import_role results in different behavior regarding task tagging.

    Consider this simple FME play:

    - name: FME
      hosts: fme
        - { role: c2platform.wincore.win }
        - { role: c2platform.gis.java }
        - { role: c2platform.gis.fme_flow }

    This play includes the Windows role directly as c2platform.wincore.win and indirectly via c2platform.gis.fme_flow with different tags.

For implementation examples and further guidance, please refer to the Linux tagging example Using Tags with the Linux Play or for a more comprehensive example see Accelerating Ansible Provisioning with FME Flow using Ansible Tags . For additional reference and information about Ansible tags see Tags — Ansible Community Documentation 


  1. Avoid tagging tasks with the always tag with the Ansible role name, as this would greatly diminish the value of the role name tag. In such cases, using the role name with --skip-tags would inadvertently skip the always tags. ↩︎

Last modified November 15, 2024: coauthor config C2-586 C2-573 (fc7fb74)