Definition of Done ( DoD )

Establishing Effective DoD Criteria for Ansible Projects.

Establish clear and effective Definition of Done (DoD) criteria for various types of Ansible projects. By outlining key categories, offering template DoDs, and emphasizing quality and consistency, the guideline ensures that project deliverables meet predetermined standards and are ready for subsequent phases. It provides a structured approach to project completion that promotes collaboration and enhances the overall quality of Ansible projects.


Without standardized DoD criteria, Ansible projects may lack clarity and uniformity in terms of what constitutes completion. This can lead to confusion among team members, inconsistent outcomes, and difficulties in assessing project progress accurately.


In the context of Ansible projects, having a well-defined and universally understood set of DoD criteria is crucial. These criteria serve as a benchmark to gauge whether a task or project has been successfully executed, meets quality standards, and is prepared for further stages or releases.


Step 1: Identify Project Type

Determine the type of Ansible project – Collection, Inventory, or Execution Environment. Each project type has unique requirements that influence the DoD criteria.

Step 2: Categorize Criteria

Define categories for the DoD criteria. Common categories include Functionality/Technical, Documentation, Testing, Quality/Review, Security, Integration/Deployment, Version Control, and Approval/Sign-off.

Step 3: Create Template DoDs

For each project type, provide template DoDs under each category. Tailor these templates to reflect the specific criteria that apply to the project type. Here are some example/template DoDs:

Example and implementation

Ansible Collection Project:

  1. Functionality/Technical: Modules, plugins, and roles developed as per project needs.
  2. Documentation: Clear documentation with usage instructions and contributor guidelines.
  3. Testing: Comprehensive test suite covering various scenarios.
  4. Quality/Review: Code reviewed by peers, addressing feedback.
  5. Security: Sensitive data handled securely, adhering to security standards.
  6. Integration/Deployment: Collection published to version control and Ansible Galaxy.
  7. Community Engagement: Collection promoted and discussed in the Ansible community.

Ansible Inventory Project:

  1. Data Integrity: Inventory data accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Source of Truth: Data sourced from reliable systems or CMDBs.
  3. Structure and Tags: Logical organization with groups and sub-groups.
  4. Dynamic Inventory: If applicable, dynamic scripts auto-populate inventory.
  5. Validation: Inventory structure reviewed for completeness and correctness.
  6. Integration: Inventory seamlessly integrates with playbooks and roles.

Ansible Execution Project:

  1. Dependencies and Tools: Environment set up with required dependencies.
  2. Consistency Across Environments: Standardized configuration across systems.
  3. Security and Isolation: Security measures prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Testing: Environment tested with sample playbooks.
  5. Documentation: Setup documentation with troubleshooting guidelines.
  6. Integration: Environment integrates into deployment pipelines.

Last modified September 21, 2024: scripts RWS-272 (78a9266)