Setting Up FME Flow with Ansible

Set up the FME Flow Core, FME Flow Database, and FME Flow System Share on MS Windows using Ansible.

Projects: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, c2platform.wincore, c2platform.gis

This guide provides an overview of setting up FME Flow Core, FME Flow Database, and FME Flow System Share using Vagrant and Ansible. For more details about these components, refer to FME Flow Architecture  .

  1. Vagrant creates two VirtualBox Windows VMs: gsd-fme-core, gsd-ad, and an LXD container gsd-db1.
  2. Vagrant uses the Vagrant Windows Sysprep Provisioner  on gsd-fme-core and gsd-ad1.
  3. Vagrant runs the Ansible provisioner in the following order on nodes:
    1. On gsd-ad, the collection configures the AD domain controller for the domain
    2. PostgreSQL 14 is installed on gsd-db1, along with a database and user with necessary privileges.
    3. On gsd-fme-core, Ansible performs the following steps:
      1. Joins the node to the Windows domain
      2. Installs Java using the role.
      3. Installs Tomcat using the c2platform.gis.tomcat role.
      4. Installs FME Flow Core using the c2platform.gis.fme role.

The diagram below illustrates the setup achieved with Vagrant, excluding the reverse proxy gsd-rproxy1.

gsd-fme-coreWindows 2022 ServerVirtualBoxFME Core Web Server
gsd-adWindows 2022 ServerVirtualBoxAD domain controller and hosts FME File Share
gsd-db1Ubuntu 22.04 LTSLXDPostgreSQL database server


Before proceeding, ensure you have completed the steps to Set up the RWS Development Environment on Ubuntu 22.


Use the following commands to run the FME play and create the gsd-ad, gsd-db1, and gsd-core-fme nodes. Running the vagrant up command will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

export BOX="gsd-ad gsd-db1 gsd-core-fme"
export PLAY="plays/gis/fme.yml"
vagrant up $BOX | tee provision.log



  1. Log in to gsd-ad and execute systeminfo | Select-String "Domain". This should return

    Show me
    PS C:\Users\vagrant> systeminfo | Select-String "Domain"
    OS Configuration:          Primary Domain Controller
    PS C:\Users\vagrant> nslookup
    Server:  ip6-localhost
    Address:  ::1
    PS C:\Users\vagrant>
  2. Open the DNS Manager and check the properties of the DNS server GSD-AD. Only should be enabled as a listening IP address.

    Show me
  3. On your Ubuntu laptop, run dig @ This should resolve to

    Show me
    onknows@io3:~$ dig @
    ; <<>> DiG 9.18.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.3-Ubuntu <<>> @
    ; (1 server found)
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 27806
    ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
    ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4000
    ;		IN	A
    ;; ANSWER SECTION:	600	IN	A	600	IN	A
    ;; Query time: 0 msec
    ;; SERVER: (UDP)
    ;; WHEN: Wed Oct 25 09:40:07 CEST 2023
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 78


Log in to gsd-fme-core.

  1. Verify that the computer is part of the domain

    vagrant ssh gsd-fme-core
    systeminfo.exe | Select-String "Domain"
    Show me
    vagrant@GSD-FME-CORE C:\Users\vagrant>powershell
    Windows PowerShell
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Install the latest PowerShell for new features and improvements!
    PS C:\Users\vagrant> systeminfo.exe | Select-String "Domain"
    PS C:\Users\vagrant>

Login gis-backup-operator

Log in as gis-backup-operator using remote desktop to gsd-fme-core to confirm that the user has been created with the correct password.

Login FME

After successfully completing these commands, you should be able to access the FME Flow interface by visiting  . Log in as admin with the password admin.


On gsd-fme-core, connect using remote desktop with the Vagrant user, start pgAdmin, and import the settings in the file C:\Users\Public\Desktop\pgadmin.json.

Connect to the server using the password secret. Drill down to the tables of the fmeserver database; you should see the database tables of FME Flow like fme_action etc. This verifies that the database has been created.


In the RWS Ansible Inventory project c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, review specific plays and configurations.

FME Play

Review the play plays/gis/fme.yml. Pay attention to the use of the when condition, ensuring that the installation of Java and Tomcat is restricted to gsd-fme-core.

This play utilizes various roles. Notable ones are:

  • The fme_flow and tomcat roles in the c2platform.gis collection.
  • win from the c2platform.wincore collection, which is integrated into both tomcat and fme_flow roles. This integration facilitates the management of Windows resources through fme_flow_win_resources and tomcat_win_resources.

Tomcat context.xml

The variable tomcat_win_resources is used to manage the context.xml file of Tomcat. In group_vars/fme_core/tomcat.yml, take note of the following item:

  - path: "{{ tomcat_home }}/conf/context.xml"
    xpath: /Context
    fragment: >-
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator"
      disableProxyCaching="false" />      
    notify: Restart Tomcat service

This item adds a Valve element to the file context.xml:

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SSLAuthenticator" disableProxyCaching="false" />

Tomcat web.xml

Similarly, using tomcat_win_resources, a security-constraint element is added to web.xml. Take note of the xpath expression. This XPath expression /*[local-name()='web-app'] selects the root element only if its local name (i.e., the tag name without the namespace prefix) is ‘web-app’. This is a workaround and is generally less precise than using proper namespace handling, but it’s often used in tools that don’t support XML namespaces directly.

  - path: "{{ tomcat_home }}/conf/web.xml"
    backup: true
    xpath: /*[local-name()='web-app']
    fragment: >-
    notify: Restart Tomcat service

FME fmeServerConfig.txt

Take note of the file fmeServerConfig.txt in the directory D:\Apps\FME\Flow\Server. It has been changed by Ansible and contains the line:


This line is managed by Ansible using configuration in group_vars/fme_core/main.yml. This file contains the variable fme_flow_win_resources as shown below:

    - name: FME_SERVER_WEB_URL
      module: win_lineinfile
      path: "{{ fme_flow_home }}/Server/fmeServerConfig.txt"
      regex: '^FME_SERVER_WEB_URL='
      line: FME_SERVER_WEB_URL=https://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ gs_tomcat_https_port }}
      notify: Restart FME Flow services


Ansible configures FME WebSockets to be secure / use the wss scheme. See the configuration in group_vars/fme_core/websocket.yml. A number of files are changed / need to be changed:

In FME Flow home D:\Apps\FME\Flow:

  1. Server/fmeWebSocketConfig.txt
  2. Server/config/publishers/
  3. Server/config/subscribers/

On FME Share \\\fme\localization:

  1. publishers\websocket\publisherProperties.xml
  2. subscribers\websocket\subscriberProperties.xml



For troubleshooting, testing, and verifying the WebSocket configuration, see Test FME WebSocket using OpenSSL Library and / or WSCAT.

Install Task

Set the variable fme_flow_debug: true to create the file install_extract_command.txt in D:\Apps\FME\logs.

Default Install

To perform a default installation of FME Flow, which includes deploying a PostgreSQL database without a separate Tomcat instance, follow these steps:

  1. Remove or disable the fme_flow_install_command.
  2. Recreate the environment by executing the following commands:
vagrant destroy gsd-fme-core -f
vagrant up gsd-fme-core

After successfully completing these commands, you should be able to access the FME Flow interface by visiting http://localhost  , which will redirect you to http://localhost/fmeserver/  . Log in as admin with the password admin.

Additional Information


  1. Vagrant uses the Vagrant Windows Sysprep Provisioner  on all nodes in the Ansible inventory project c2platform/rws/ansible-gis but in this case running Sysprep is explicitly mentioned because this Ansible play for FME won’t work without Sysprep because the play also creates an AD domain. ↩︎

Testing FME WebSocket with OpenSSL and WSCAT

Learn how to validate that FME WebSockets are correctly configured and operational.

Last modified September 21, 2024: scripts RWS-272 (78a9266)