Monitor Tomcat using Splunk Enterprise in RWS Development Environment

Projects: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, c2platform.core,


This tutorial demonstrates the setup of a Tomcat node on Ubuntu 22 and intallation of Jolokia which is then used for Java monitoring using Splunk. The setup of this node is similar to that of gsd-tomcat1 and gsd-tomcat2 as described in Tomcat SSL/TLS and Java Keystore and TrustStore Configuration for Linux and Windows Hosts witc the difference that this node is created for the purpose of monitoing

gsd-tomcat3LinuxUbuntu 22LXD


With the RWS development environment ensure the reverse proxy node and the

vagrant up gsd-rproxy1 gsd-splunk


To initialize the Tomcat nodes gsd-tomcat3, execute the following command:

vagrant up gsd-tomcat3


Start FireFox using your FireFox profile ( see Configure a FireFox Profile ) and you should be able to navigate to the links below and see the “Hello World” application. You should not see any SSL/TLS certificate error messages.


The second link should show Jolokia  output. The output should be similar to jolokia.json 

Setup Monitoring

Now that we have node gsd-tomcat up and running, we want to get the Tomcat logging into splunk. Tomcat logs are created in directory /opt/tomcat/tomcat/logs/

Additional Information

For additional insights and guidance:

Last modified December 24, 2024: rws splunk RWS-1094 RWS-1109 (067340b)