Manage Windows Firewall with Ansible

Effective Windows Firewall management using Ansible with the c2platform.wincore collection. Configure inbound and outbound rules, manage advanced settings, and streamline firewall management tasks.

Projects: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, c2platform.wincore

The c2platform.wincore Ansible collection offers powerful tools for efficiently managing Windows Firewall. This guide will walk you through utilizing two key lists within the collection: win_firewalls and win_firewall_rules. The reference / example implementation for the GIS platform in project c2platform/rws/ansible-gis offers an example on how these lists are used to:

  1. Enable Windows Firewall on all MS Windows nodes.
  2. Open port 6443 and 6006 on all ArcGIS Server nodes.

gs_server Ansible group

The file group_vars/gs_server/firewall.yml in c2platform/rws/ansible-gis contains the following code:

  - name: ArcGIS server https port for Apache Tomcat
    localport: 6443
  - name: ArcGIS Server for internal processes
    localport: 6006

  action: allow
  direction: in
  protocol: tcp
    - private
    - public
    - domain
  state: present
  enabled: true

win_firewall_rules: "{{ gs_win_firewall_rules | c2platform.core.add_attributes(gs_win_firewall_rules_defaults) }}"

This example introduces two project variables gs_win_firewall_rules and gs_win_firewall_rules_defaults. These variables only exists in c2platform/rws/ansible-gis project and their purpose is to circumvent the necessity of duplicating code structures.

This way we can configure the firewall for servers in the Ansible group gs_server with a simple list gs_win_firewall_rules with only two attributes name and port.

Using the filter  c2platform.core.add_attributes the defaults attributes defined with gs_win_firewall_rules_defaults are add to this list and used to define win_firewall_rules.

For your convenience, here’s an equivalent configuration without using gs_ project variables ( and the c2platform.core.add_attributes filter):

  - name: ArcGIS server https port for Apache Tomcat
    localport: 6443
    action: allow
    direction: in
    protocol: tcp
        - private
        - public
        - domain
  state: present
  enabled: true
  - name: ArcGIS Server for internal processes
    localport: 6006
    action: allow
    direction: in
    protocol: tcp
        - private
        - public
        - domain
    state: present
    enabled: true

windows Ansible group

The file group_vars/windows/firewall.yml in c2platform/rws/ansible-gis contains the following code:

  - state: enabled
      - private
      - public
      - domain

This configuration will ensure that all MS Windows nodes ( that are in windows ansible group ) as defined in the hosts.ini in c2platform/rws/ansible-gis project, the firewall will be enabled.

Last modified September 21, 2024: scripts RWS-272 (78a9266)