Manage Python and Python Library Dependencies

Learn how to manage Python and Python library dependencies on Windows hosts using Ansible.

Projects: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, c2platform.wincore


This how-to utilizes Vagrant and Ansible to automate the following:

  1. Virtual Machine Setup: Vagrant, with the VirtualBox Provider, initializes a VM named gsd-python.
  2. Python Installation: Through Ansible, Vagrant installs Python 3.11.0 from the Chocolatey repository and the requests library using pip. It’s important to note that the PIP installation process will be configured to use a web proxy available at  , specifically through the gsd-rproxy1 node.
gsd-pythonWindows 2022 ServerVirtualBoxSetting up a Python environment on Windows


  • Ensure your RWS Development Environment is set up on Ubuntu 22, as detailed here.
  • Ensure the web proxy is running by executing vagrant up gsd-rproxy1, as detailed here.


To set up the Windows node with Python and its libraries, execute the following command, which typically completes in about 5 minutes:

vagrant up gsd-python


  1. A successful playbook execution confirms that Python and the requests package have been installed, as indicated by the final log entries of gsd-python, showing tasks Manage Chocolatey packages and Manage Python library dependencies.

    Show me

     TASK [ : Manage Chocolatey packages] *********************
     changed: [gsd-python] => (item=python present)
     TASK [ : Manage Python library dependencies] *************
     changed: [gsd-python] => (item=requests 2.31.0 → present)

  2. To further verify the installation of Python and the requests package, execute the following commands:

    vagrant ssh gsd-python
    python version
    pip list

    This should display Python 3.11.0 and the installed packages, including requests.

    Show me

     Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.20348.707]
     (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     vagrant@GSD-PYTHON C:\Users\vagrant>python --version
     Python 3.11.0
     vagrant@GSD-PYTHON C:\Users\vagrant>pip list | grep requests
     'grep' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
     operable program or batch file.
     vagrant@GSD-PYTHON C:\Users\vagrant>pip list
     Package            Version
     ------------------ --------
     certifi            2024.2.2
     charset-normalizer 3.3.2
     idna               3.6
     pip                22.3
     requests           2.31.0
     setuptools         65.5.0
     urllib3            2.2.1
     [notice] A new release of pip available: 22.3 -> 24.0
     [notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
     vagrant@GSD-PYTHON C:\Users\vagrant>


For insights into the VM setup and configuration, review the Ansible Inventory, Vagrant project files, and Ansible collections.

Ansible Inventory

Review the following files in the Ansible inventory / Vagrant project: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis:

Vagrantfile and Vagrantfile.ymlDefines the VM creation and networking for gsd-python.
plays/core/python.ymlThe main Ansible playbook.
group_vars/python/main.ymlContains the Python configuration settings.

The win_resources variable in group_vars/python/main.yml outlines the resources required for the Python setup, including Chocolatey packages and PIP installations:

    - name: python
      type: win_chocolatey
      version: 3.11.0
    - name: requests
      type: win_pip
      version: 2.31.0
      state: present
        Path: 'C:\Python311\;C:\Python311\Scripts;{{ ansible_env.Path }}'

The environment variable ensures that the Path variable is updated with the necessary Python paths, which might not be immediately available to Ansible.

Ansible Collections / Roles

c2platform.wincoreIncludes the role for streamlined installations of Python and its libraries.

Streamlining Development

The gsd-python node encompasses several tasks as it belongs to the windows group. For a more focused setup, specifically targeting Chocolatey and PIP installations, you can leverage Ansible tags like so:

TAGS=win_chocolatey,win_pip vagrant provision gsd-python

This approach allows you to pinpoint and expedite the provisioning process for specific tasks.

Last modified September 21, 2024: scripts RWS-272 (78a9266)