RWS GIS Platform ( 2023 to present )

Rijkswaterstaat ( RWS ) GIS Platform

Projects: c2platform/rws/ansible-gis, c2platform.gis, c2platform.wincore

RWS GIS Automation Platform

System context diagram for RWS GIS Automation Platform which is based on the C2 Platform approach and runs within the RWS domain on the Red Hat Automation Platform (AAP).

Operating the GIS Platform using Ansible

The diagram on this page visualizes how LCM and TAM tasks of the GIS platform are performed using Ansible. Two key components are the Ansible Inventory Project hosted by Azure DevOps and the Ansible Execution Environment ( EE ) hosted by GitLab.

Engineering the GIS Platform using Ansible

This diagram visualizes the Ansible engineering of Ansible content. Use the standard C2 Platform approach this is completely done in the open source domain utilizing local development and a open source “reference implementation” of the GIS Platform.

Engineering using a "pseudo" Development Environment

Engineering of Ansible collections and roles is also performed within the RWS Domain / DC. This is considered “engineering light” because it utilizes a “pseudo” development environment resets, restores of VM’s and snapshots cannot be performed easily.

Designing a Flexible Software Repository for Ansible

This document presents RWS’s approach to managing software downloads using Ansible, emphasizing the Ansible role. This role is versatile, supporting both a simple Apache2 based repository and more advanced setups like Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager.

Implementing PKI for RWS GIS with Ansible

Learn how to automate the generation and management of RWS SSL/TLS certificates and Java KeyStores with Ansible, integrating manual processes effortlessly.

Last modified September 21, 2024: scripts RWS-272 (78a9266)